Senin, 12 Maret 2012

Video 90 Detik Hamil & Melahirkan Bikin Heboh

There she is! The couple pose with their baby daughter after putting together an epic nine-month video project

Sebuah video berhasil menarik perhatian para pengguna situs berbagi video YouTube. Tak aneh, video berdurasi 90 detik ini merangkum sembilan bulan masa hamil yang menakjubkan.

Video ini merupakan proyek suami-istri untuk mendokumentasikan kehamilan sang istri. Video yang menyentuh ini telah mendapat 210.000 hit dan terus bertambah sejak pertama diunggah ke YouTube, 7 Maret lalu.

Video berjudul ‘Introducing’ ini menampilkan perkembangan perut sang istri mulai dari awal bulan hingga bulan di saat sang bayi akan lahir.

“Menakjubkan! Dokumentasi bagian hidup kalian yang dieksekusi dengan sangat sempurna. Terima kasih telah berbagi,” kata salah satu pengguna YouTube, alfacinhotube seperti dikutip DM.

Kiss of life: The woman's partner kneels down to plant his lips on her belly at the beginning of the video Kiss of life: The woman's partner kneels down to plant his lips on her belly at the beginning of the video

Box clever: Midway through the video the couple move house, presumably to gain extra space for their forthcoming arrival

Growth spurt: The woman's belly begins to get bigger in their new home Growth spurt: The woman's belly begins to get bigger in their new home Growth spurt: The woman's belly begins to get bigger in their new home

Nearly there! The lady's tummy continues to grow, entering the final stages of the pregnancy Nearly there! The lady's tummy continues to grow, entering the final stages of the pregnancy

Lip service: The couple kiss in the final section of the video

Special delivery: The man prepares to bring his daughter into the world

It's a girl: Amelie Amaya is introduced to the world

sumber :

Video 90 Detik Hamil & Melahirkan Bikin Heboh
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