Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Spencer West , Pria Tak Berkaki Panjat Gunung Tertinggi di Afrika

Spencer West menorehkan prestasinya setelah dirinya berhasil memanjat Gunung Kilimanjaro yang memiliki ketinggian 5.895 meter dengan tangannya. West terpaksa menggunakan tangan untuk berjalan karena West tidak memiliki kaki.

Pria berusia 31 tahun itu kehilangan kakinya saat masih berusia lima tahun. Ketika masih bayi, West sudah menderita kelainan genetik di tulang punggungnya. Kelainan genetik itu menyebabkan pertumbuhan di bagian kakinya terganggu.

Saat berusia tiga tahun, West terpaksa mengamputasi kedua kakinya. Namun para petugas medis pun mengakui, pria asal Kanada itu merupakan seorang yang kuat. West tetap memiliki semangat hidup yang tinggi.

Bertahun-tahun lamanya, West berlatih untuk dapat menaklukkan gunung tertinggi di Afrika, Kilimanjaro, tanpa kaki. West pun memulai pendakiannya pada 12 Juni lalu bersama rekannya David Johnson dan Alex Meers. West mengarungi sejumlah medan di Tanzania dalam tujuh hari.

"Tanda dari puncak gunung itu terlihat seperti khayalan. Kami melihat wilayah sekitar dan sadar, setelah tujuh hari perjuangan kami, kami pun sampai. Jari-jari yang berdarah ini pun sangat berguna," ujar West, seperti dikutip Daily Mail, Kamis (21/6/2012).

"Saya mendaki Kilimanjaro tidak hanya untuk mencari tahu apa yang saya bisa lakukan, tetapi juga untuk menginspirasi orang lain dalam menghadapi rntangan dalam hidupnya," tambahnya.

West mengakui akan banyaknya tantangan yang dihadapinya ketika menuju puncak gunung. West pun turut menyambut dukungan dari banyak orang terhadap upayanya.(AUL)

Because of the rough terrain, Mr West had to complete most of the seven-day trek on his hands, only using a wheelchair when the ground allowed

Because of the rough terrain, Mr West had to complete most of the seven-day trek on his hands, only using a wheelchair when the ground allowed

He was supported the whole way by best friend David Johnson and Alex Meers

He was supported the whole way by best friend David Johnson and Alex Meers

Mr West's hands were left bloodied and bruised after the trek, but insists the pain and discomfort were 'worth it'
Spencer West, 31, during the gruelling climb up Mount Kilimanjaro

Mr West's hands were left bloodied and bruised after the trek, but insists the pain and discomfort were 'worth it'

Spencer West, 31, training for the gruelling climb up Mount Kilimanjaro
Spencer West, 31, during the gruelling climb up Mount Kilimanjaro

When he was a child doctors told Mr West he would struggle to play a role in society - something he has remained determined to prove wrong

Porters carry Spencer West's wheelchair up Kilimanjaro, so he can use it when the terrain allows him to give his battered hands a break

Porters carry Spencer West's wheelchair up Kilimanjaro, so he can use it when the terrain allows him to give his battered hands a break

Mr West slipped a pair of flip-flops on his hands to help him negotiate the rocky terrain during his hike up the mountain, which looms in the background

Mr West slipped a pair of flip-flops on his hands to help him negotiate the rocky terrain during his hike up the mountain, which looms in the background

The brave climber grins as he reaches the foot of Kilimanjaro - ahead of the final trek to the top

The brave climber grins as he reaches the foot of Kilimanjaro - ahead of the final trek to the top

Spencer West spent a year training for the Kilimanjaro trek at his home in Toronto, Canada

Spencer West spent a year training for the Kilimanjaro trek at his home in Toronto, Canada

He had to be sure he had enough strength in his arms to carry him up the 19,000 ft high mountain

sumber :http://international.okezone.com/read/2012/06/21/214/651287/pria-tak-berkaki-panjat-gunung-tertinggi-di-afrika

Spencer West , Pria Tak Berkaki Panjat Gunung Tertinggi di Afrika
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