Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

TEBAL nya salju di JEPANG

Located in the North Alpine Mountains, the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route features a carved out roadway or corridor through the gigantic snowdrifts that fall in this area every winter. Over one million people visit the unique area every year.

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kegunaan laen dari IPAD

The newest iPad is supposed to be magical in its own way, but could it withstand being shot?


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bocah 5 tahun RAMBUT panjang nya di POTONG

An English boy, Rean Carter, had grown his hair since birth to the incredible length of 18 inches, but after he was mistaken for a girl his parents made the tough decision to cut it all off.

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jika tangan nya jadi KECIL

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beginilah HP rakitan dari CHINA

Not very useful, but well – that’s just a first step. Probably, more functionality will be available in future in Chinese Nokia N9.

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