Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Bertarung Nyawa dengan Kereta Api : Ini Dia Orang Paling Iseng Plus Setengah Gila

Ada saja orang yang iseng campur nekat dan setengah gila yang mencoba menguji nyali. Dalam sebuah tayangan video, seorang pria berbaring di sela-sela rel sementara kereta melaju kencang di atas tubuhnya.

Daily Mail, Jumat (22/6/2012), melaporkan, pria nekat itu sengaja berbaring di sela-sela rel sementara di atas kepalanya kereta api melaju kencang. Gilanya lagi, adegan itu direkam temannya.

Aksi gila itu dilakukan dua pria tak dikenal di sebuah tempat di Amerika Serikat. Pria itu benar-benar berani mengadu maut dengan kereta api. Ia dengan tenang sambil ngobrol dengan temannya, berbaring di bawah kereta yang melaju, yang setiap saat bisa menyambar kepalanya hingga putus. Sementara, kereta melaju kencang karena masinisnya memang tidak menyadari ada orang setengah gila di bawah keretanya.

“Saya mati nih... saya mati nih,” kata dia ketika kereta melaju di atas kepalanya.

Sementara, si teman dengan asyik merekamnya, sambil bilang, “Orang ini memang gila. Saya kira kamu bakal mati, kamu benar-benar di bawah kereta,” kata temannya yang tengah mengambil gambar.

Belum cukup sampai di sana, nyali mereka benar-benar diuji. Ketika kereta itu melaju, si pria tadi mencoba keluar dari rel, meloloskan diri di antara roda-roda besi kereta yang tengah melaju. Sementara dia berkonsentrasi untuk meloloskan diri, si teman yang mengambil gambar memberi aba-aba.

“Ya... sekarang... keluar !,” kata dia memberi aba-aba.

Namun aba-aba itu langsung dibatalkan kembali karena dirasa tidak aman. “Eh .... jangan deh .... jangan .... jangan!”

Dia diam sejenak dan memberi aba-aba lagi, namun ragu-ragu. “Ya keluar sekarang....... eh jangan dulu deh......” Si pria di bawah kereta itupun bingung.

Dan, ketika perhitungannya dirasa matang, si kameraman tadi memberi aba-aba lagi, “Ya sekarang keluar....!”

Pria di bawah kereta pun keluar dari rel dan...... selamat. Ia beruntung masih segar bugar. Mereka pun tertawa, “Tadi itu benar-benar hebat,” kata si kameraman. [tjs]

Crazy man lying on rail tracks as enormous freight train passes inches above his head (+18)

Foolish: The shocking video opens by showing this man lying on rail tracks as a moving freight train passes just inches above him

Foolish: The shocking video opens by showing this man lying on rail tracks as a moving freight train passes just inches above him

Worrying: As the man lies under the train with a large bag, his friend films from the side of the tracks. It is believed the video was filmed somewhere in America

Worrying: As the man lies under the train with a large bag, his friend films from the side of the tracks. It is believed the video was filmed somewhere in America

Dangerous: This image shows just how large the freight train is

Dangerous: This image shows just how large the freight train is

Anxious: The man under the train at least shows some sign of concern for his own safety by shouting 'I am gonna die' to his friend

Anxious: The man under the train at least shows some sign of concern for his own safety by shouting 'I am gonna die' to his friend

Daft: Showing just how idiotic the man filming is, and how little concern he has for his friend's safety, he shouts: 'That is f****** awesome though'

Daft: Showing just how idiotic the man filming is, and how little concern he has for his friend's safety, he shouts: 'That is f****** awesome though'

Stupid: Incredibly, the video takes an even more dangerous turn when the cameraman eggs his friend on by shouting: 'You've got time to roll out between the wheels'

Stupid: Incredibly, the video takes an even more dangerous turn when the cameraman eggs his friend on by shouting: 'You've got time to roll out between the wheels'

Dumb: The man throws his bag to his friend as he begins to plan getting out from under the train - whilst it is still moving

Dumb: The man throws his bag to his friend as he begins to plan getting out from under the train - whilst it is still moving

Brainless: When his friend spots a gap, he shouts 'now now now' as the man begins the extraordinarily dangerous move

Brainless: When his friend spots a gap, he shouts 'now now now' as the man begins the extraordinarily dangerous move

Silly: The man unbelievably slides out in the tiny gap between the line and the train above him as the cameraman shouts 'hurry up man'

Silly: The man unbelievably slides out in the tiny gap between the line and the train above him as the cameraman shouts 'hurry up man'

Relief: Thankfully, he gets out fine and both of the man appear safe and well

Relief: Thankfully, he gets out fine and both of the man appear safe and well

sumber :http://web.inilah.com/read/detail/1874875/ini-dia-orang-paling-iseng-plus-setengah-gila

Bertarung Nyawa dengan Kereta Api : Ini Dia Orang Paling Iseng Plus Setengah Gila
diterbitkan oleh : http://www.kaskuser.tk


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