Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

Sukses Turun 95 Kg Setelah Dijuluki Wanita Balon Udara

Naik balon udara adalah impian dari ibu tiga anak bernama Jane Qualthrough. Sayangnya ia tidak diizinkan naik lantaran kelebihan berat badan. Momen ini menjadi penyadar bagi dirinya yang selama ini merasa nyaman dengan tubuhnya yang obesitas.

Kejadian ini berlangsung saat dirinya pergi liburan ke Australia bersama putrinya 3 tahun lulu. Saat hendak menaiki balon udara, ia dijelaskan bahwa berat tubuhnya yang 175 kg akan membuat balon udara tidak bisa naik.

"Kejadian yang memalukan. Ada foto diriku dengan latar balon udara saat itu. Aku si Ibu Balon Udara," ujarnya kepada Dailymail. Kejadian ini membuat wanita yang berusia 48 tahun tersebut merenung, berniat ingin menurunkan berat badan dan mengubah gaya hidup.

Diakuinya pula, sejak berpisah dari mantan suaminya 12 tahun yang lalu, ia memiliki tiga anak, Joshua (23), Jasmine (20) dan Maxine (18). Ia depresi dan jatuh cinta pada makanan. Menghabiskan sehari-hari menghabiskan biskuit dan es krim sambil nonton TV. Ia juga mengatakan bahwa ia membenci dirinya sendiri dan ingin mati.

Sejak kejadian balon udara, ia bertekad untuk makan sehat dan berolahraga. Alhasil dalam kurun waktu 14 bulan, ia berhasil memangkas 95 kg dari tubuhnya. Tubuhnya yang lebih ramping membuat dirinya lebih percaya diri dan menemukan pria idamannya, Barry Uran bulan Agustus lalu.

Kini dengan bobot 76 kg, ia merasa seperti berumur 18 tahun lagi dan menjadi wanita yang beruntung. "Empat tahun lalu aku siap mati, dan kini hidupku baru saja dimulai.

Grounded: Jane, left, was mortified when she saw this picture where she looks bigger than a hot air balloon which she was too heavy to ride on

Grounded: Jane, left, was mortified when she saw this picture where she looks bigger than a hot air balloon which she was too heavy to ride on

Transformed: Jane is now 12 stone and dress size 14, left, after taking up exercise and eating healthily. She previosuly weighed 27st 7lb and was a dress size 36
Transformed: Jane is now 12 stone and dress size 14, left, after taking up exercise and eating healthily. She previosuly weighed 27st 7lb and was a dress size 36
Transformed: Jane is now 12 stone and dress size 14, left, after taking up exercise and eating healthily. She previously weighed 27st 7lb and was a dress size 36

Wake-up call: It was holiday snaps like this one from her trip to Australia which made Jane realise how big she had become

Wake-up call: It was holiday snaps like this one from her trip to Australia which made Jane realise how big she had become

Transformed: Jane is now 12 stone and dress size 14, left, after taking up exercise and eating healthily. She previosuly weighed 27st 7lb and was a dress size 36
New love: The nurse piled on the pounds after splitting from the father of her children but after losing 15 stone has found happiness with boyfriend Barry, right

New love: The nurse piled on the pounds after splitting from the father of her children but after losing 15 stone has found happiness with boyfriend Barry, right

More energy: The mother has never felt sexier since giving up fatty foods
More energy: The mother has never felt sexier since giving up fatty foods

More energy: The mother has never felt sexier since giving up fatty foods and meeting Barry

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Sukses Turun 95 Kg Setelah Dijuluki Wanita Balon Udara
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