Mobil ini nantinya akan dipasarkan seharga GBP170 ribu (Rp2,5 miliar). Dalam enam bulan sejak pabrik dibuka di Woking, sebanyak seribu mobil siap diproduksi dan seribu mobil lainnya akan dibuat untuk memenuhi keingingan konsumen yang sudah menunggu selama 18 bulan.
David Cameron secara resmi membuka fasilitas McLaren Production Centre pada November lalu setelah 18 bulan dirancan dan dikonstruksi.
Seperti dikutipDM,MP4-12C telah mendapat pujian dari banyak pihak karena kinerjanya yang luar biasa.
Kita tunggu saja. [mor]
State of the art for 2012: But the production line techniques are still much in evident, as master craftsmen work on the vehicles
Flashback: Workers at Trafford Park in Manchester around 1912, as Henry Ford worked out the kinks in his new technique of assembly line auto-production
First of all, the finished product: The supercar line-up being assembled at the Mclaren factory in Woking
Obviously, some things have changed since Henry Ford's day: Robots, or automated machines, now assist in bringing each car to life
The cars move along on rails, while the 750-strong workforce move between vehicles and refine each luxury car
A worker inspects one of the vehicles - kept under wraps as it goes through the finishing stages
Under the bonnet: The engineering of each vehicle is a complex jigsaw, all hidden by the smooth luxurious panels
Halfway completed, there are still loose cabled and pipes as the car patiently waits the next stage of the production line process
Under wraps but almost ready: The cars will make great presents for those supercar fans who are able to afford one
All the colours: A rainbow of cars await their engines, wheels and other finishing touches on the sparkling production line
100 years since Henry Ford, production lines still prove their worth - but now computers and robots help the humans
Sadly this is not the BatMobile or a DeLorean from Back to the Future - but its probably the next best thing
Almost ready: Workers spraypaint each car by hand for that perfect sheen
On a high: The cars sit on individual lifts to allow the workers the move their way around the bodies of the vehicles
Almost ready: The finished vehicles just need a sign-off and a road-test, and then owners can get their hands on them
Rolled off the production line: After a brief test-run, the cars are ready for their owners
sumber :
Mobil Super Ini Butuh 100 Tahun Masa Pembuatan
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