Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

Bulan Madu, Mark Zuckerberg Makan Siang Romantis di McDonald's

Pengantin baru Mark Zuckerberg dan istrinya bulan madu ke Roma. Mungkin Anda menyangka pria kaya ini selalu memilih restoran mahal selama bulan madu. Nyatanya, Mark dan istrinya Priscilla malah memilih McDonald's untuk makan siang romantisnya!

Rangkaian acara pernikahan dan bulan madu Zuckerberg memang mengundang sorotan publik. Bagaimana tidak, sebagai salah satu pemuda terkaya dengan deposito lebih dari 9.4 Milyar Poundsterling, ia justru menikah dan berbulan madu dengan cara yang terbilang sederhana dan seadanya.

Di salah satu gerai McDonald's di Roma, Priscilla memesan menu makan siangnya. Bahkan ketika Priscilla sedang memesan makanan, Mark sempat-sempatnya mengambil gambar sang isteri.

Pasangan kaya raya ini juga berbaur layaknya masyarakat biasa, tidak membawa atribut kekayaannya di depan publik. Hal ini membuat banyak orang tak menyadari jika orang tersebut adalah Mark Zuckerberg, si pemuda milyarder pendiri Facebook!

Setelah selesai mengambil pesanan take away nya, merekapun memakannya sambil duduk di tangga. Di Roma, ada berbagai restoran mewah yang bisa saja jadi pilihan Mark dan Priscilla, namun gerai McDonald's tetap jadi pilihan pasangan kaya ini. Hmm, pasangan berduit yang ngirit dan romantis!

Gastronomy?: The happy couple leave McDonald's with a 'romantic' lunch for two

Gastronomy?: The happy couple leave McDonald's with a 'romantic' lunch for two

Capturing the moment: The billionaire stopped to take a snap of his bride as she made their order

Capturing the moment: The billionaire stopped to take a snap of his bride as she made their order

Big Mac, Al fresco: After grabbing their food, the pair dined on a set of steps

Big Mac, Al fresco: After grabbing their food, the pair dined on a set of steps

Romance: The newlyweds enjoy a tender moment while they wait for their burgers

Romance: The newlyweds enjoy a tender moment while they wait for their burgers

Sightseeing: After lunch, the pair set off on a tour of Rome's famous landmarks

Sightseeing: After lunch, the pair set off on a tour of Rome's famous landmarks

Hungry honeymooners: Zuckerberg dives into the McDonald's bag

Hungry honeymooners: Zuckerberg dives into the McDonald's bag

The couple ate lunch on the scenic Mignanelli Steps

The couple ate lunch on the scenic Mignanelli Steps

Getting comfy: The pair peel off their shades and Priscilla kicks off her shoes as they get stuck into their lunch

Getting comfy: The pair peel off their shades and Priscilla kicks off her shoes as they get stuck into their lunch

sumber :

Bulan Madu, Mark Zuckerberg Makan Siang Romantis di McDonald's
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