Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

tak berpakaian, Pria Misterius Hancurkan 20 Mobil di CHINA

Seorang pria misterius yang hanya mengenakan celana pendek berlari di tengah jalanan kota Hefei, Provinsi Anhui, China, Selasa (17/07/2012). Pria yang kemudian bertelanjang bulat tersebut kemudian menghancurkan kaca mobil-mobil yang lewat dengan menggunakan tinjunya. Dalam waktu setengah jam, 20 kendaraan rusak akibat perbuatannya. Aksi tersebut baru berhenti ketika sejumlah polisi dan dokter membawanya untuk dites kondisi kejiwaannya. (Foto: REUTERS/ Stringer)

Bare-faced cheek! A deranged Chinese man leaps onto a passing car and licks the windscreen after arriving on scene in his boxer shorts

Bare-faced cheek! A deranged Chinese man leaps onto a passing car and licks the windscreen after arriving on scene in his boxer shorts

Rude nude: Some cars were spared the bonnet treatment, but were instead hammered on the side with his fist

Rude nude: Some cars were spared the bonnet treatment, but were instead hammered on the side with his fist

The last stand: Before long, he whipped off his boxer shorts and laid down in the road for his final act

The last stand: Before long, he whipped off his boxer shorts and laid down in the road for his final act

Not coming easily: The man is wrestled to the ground as officers put him in handcuffs

Not coming easily: The man is wrestled to the ground as officers put him in handcuffs

sumber :http://foto.news.viva.co.id/read/7593-telanjang--pria-misterius-hancurkan-20-mobil

tak berpakaian, Pria Misterius Hancurkan 20 Mobil di CHINA
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