Selasa, 03 April 2012

Jatuh ke Dalam Sumur, iPhone Selamatkan Balita

Frightened: The little boy peers out of the darkness as rescuers in Yunnan Province struggle to attach a harness

Frightened: The little boy peers out of the darkness as rescuers in Yunnan Province struggle to attach a harness. He had to cling to a rope for an hour before emergency workers arrived

Video menakjubkan menampilkan para pemadam kebakaran di China menggunakan iPhone guna mencari bocah berusia dua tahun yang jatuh ke sumur sedalam 12 meter marak. Ingin tahu?

Balita ini jatuh ke dalam sumur tersebut saat sedang bermain bersama temannya di luar desa kecil dekat Mengzi, Provinsi Yunan, China. Para warga menyadari hal ini setelah mendengar sang bocah menangis.

Para warga pun melemparkan tali ke dalam sumur sembari menunggu layanan darurat tiba. Para penyelamat mengatakan, sumur tempat batita ini terjatuh terlalu sempit hingga tak memungkinkan orang dewasa memasukinya. Demikian seperti dikutip DM.

Kemudian, muncul ide jenius, tim menggunakan iPhone yang diikat tali dan menurunkannya ke dalam sumur. Akhirnya, pada pukul 22.00 waktu setempat, bocah ini berhasil diselamatkan.

Smart idea: The high-tech mobile phone is taped to a length of rope and lowered into the shaft

Smart idea: The high-tech mobile phone is taped to a length of rope and lowered into the shaft

All hands on deck: Rescuers crowd around the narrow opening with torches, ropes and an oxygen hose during painstaking efforts to save the child

All hands on deck: Rescuers crowd around the narrow opening with torches, ropes and an oxygen hose during painstaking efforts to save the child

Inventive: The trapped toddler is seen on the screen of an Apple iPhone after it was lowered into the 40ft shaft to allow rescue workers a better view

Inventive: The trapped toddler is seen on the screen of an Apple iPhone after it was lowered into the 40ft shaft to allow rescue workers a better view

Free: The boy is shown scared, wet and dirty - but safe - as he is held in the arms of rescue workers on the surface

Free: The boy is shown scared, wet and dirty - but safe - as he is held in the arms of rescue workers on the surface. Doctors at a nearby hospital said he suffered bruises but was otherwise unhurt

Chinese Toddler Was Rescued From A 40ft Well With An iPhone

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Jatuh ke Dalam Sumur, iPhone Selamatkan Balita
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