Selasa, 03 April 2012

'Tatto Gigi' Jadi Dokter Masa Depan Anda

Sebuah kertas sensor tipis bisa ditatto pada gigi seseorang. Tatto ini nantinya akan menjadi ‘sistem peringatan dini’ ultra sensitif pada penyakit. Penasaran?

Sensor yang dibuat dari bahan canggih setelah satu atom, graphene, mampu mendeteksi bakteri dan mengirimkan informasi pada staf medis mengenai apa yang terjadi. Dalam pengujian, seseorang menghembuskan nafas ke sensor dan sensor pun mendeteksi molekul bakteri yang ada.

Michael McAlpine dan tim dari Princeton University yakin, sensor ini dapat digunakan anggota militer di medan perang untuk menentukan apakah luka yang muncul terinfeksi atau tidak.

“Saya berencana membuat lisensi dan mengkomersilkan perangkat ini,” tutupnya seperti dikutip DM. [mor]

A team of scientists at Princeton University have developed a 'tooth tattoo', which can pick up early warning signs of sickness or infection by bacteria in people's breath

A team of scientists at Princeton University have developed a 'tooth tattoo', which can pick up early warning signs of sickness or infection by bacteria in people's breath

The wireless sensor can be tattooed onto teeth, diagnose an infection and transmit that information to medical professionals

The wireless sensor can be tattooed onto teeth, diagnose an infection and transmit that information to medical professionals


Michael McAlpine and his team at Princeton believe the sensors could be used for military personnel in the field to determine whether a wound has become infected, or in hospitals where patients with weakened immune systems are extra vulnerable to bacteria

Michael McAlpine and his team at Princeton University have created a remote chemical sensor starting with graphene, a one-atom-thick layer of carbon

Michael McAlpine and his team at Princeton University have created a remote chemical sensor starting with graphene, a one-atom-thick layer of carbon

Michael McAlpine (pictured on the right) and his team at Princeton University developed a 'tooth tattoo', which can pick up early warning signs of sickness or infection by bacteria in people's breath

Michael McAlpine (pictured on the right) and his team at Princeton University developed a 'tooth tattoo', which can pick up early warning signs of sickness or infection by bacteria in people's breath

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'Tatto Gigi' Jadi Dokter Masa Depan Anda
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