Selasa, 10 April 2012

Belanda Pamer Mobil Terbang Canggih

Beberapa jam setelah perusahaan Amerika Terrafugia mengumumkan keberhasilan penerbangan pertama, perusahaan Belanda seolah tak mau kalah juga melakukan hal serupa.

Perusahaan Belanda ini membuat Pal-V yang berhasil melewati uji penerbangan pertama. Mobil ini sangat ramping, ringan dan menggunakan rotor untuk terbang.

Prototip mobil ini sendiri diklaim legal digunakan di darat dan udara berdasarkan hukum internasional. Seperti Terrafugia, mobil ini juga butuh berjalan sejauh 150 meter terlebih dahulu hingga bisa terbang.

Di daratan, mobil ini mampu melaju dengan kecepatan 180km/jam. Selain itu, rotor pada mobil ini mampu melipat secara otomatis saat tidak digunakan untuk terbang.

Demikian seperti dikutip DM.

Like the Terrafugia, the Pal-V has to have a rolling start to take off - it needs a 500-foot runway to rev up for take-off.

Like the Terrafugia, the Pal-V has to have a rolling start to take off - it needs a 500-foot runway to rev up for take-off

The Pal-V, which has completed its first test flights, is a very different take on flying vehicles - it's slim, light, and uses a rotor instead of aeroplane-style wings

The Pal-V, which has completed its first test flights, is a very different take on flying vehicles - it's slim, light, and uses a rotor instead of aeroplane-style wings

On the ground, the machine handles midway between a racing bike and a car, leaning into turns

On the ground, the machine handles midway between a racing bike and a car, leaning into turns

'On the ground the vehicle drives like a sports car,' says Pal-V

'On the ground the vehicle drives like a sports car,' says Pal-V. 'Within minutes its rotor is unfolded and its tail is extended: then it is ready to take off thanks to the advanced gyrocopter technology'


Around town: When its not soaring in the air, the Transition's wings fold up to make it a road-ready two-seat car

Flying car

Special rules: The federal government has eased certain regulations to allow vehicles like the Transition to come closer to reality

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Belanda Pamer Mobil Terbang Canggih
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