Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Ramalan Kiamatnya Meleset, Harold Camping Ngumpet

Harold Camping, 89, from Oakland, California, is certain that Saturday is Judgment Day

The source: Harold Camping, 89, from Oakland, California, is certain that Saturday is Judgment Day

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,NEW YORK - Media di Amerika Serikat melaporkan Harold Camping tidak terlihat sejak prediksi kiamat yang dia siarkan itu ternyata salah. Kontak telepon dan e-mail ke Family Radio milik Harold Camping tidak dijawab. Dia memprediksikan kiamat terjadi pada Sabtu (21/5) tepat pukul 18.00 di berbagai zona waktu di belahan dunia.

Koran The Washington Post melaporkan layanan telepon untuk mencegah aksi bunuh diri dibuka untuk mengantisipasi kemungkinan orang-orang yang percaya dengan ramalan tersebut mengalami depresi setelah ramalan kiamat tidak menjadi kenyataan. Sekelompok warga dari Gereja Injil Calvary di Milpitas, California, mengadakan misa pagi untuk menghibur orang-orang yang percaya dengan isi khutbah Harold Camping.

''Kami hadir di sini sebab kami peduli kepada orang-orang ini,'' tuliskoran New York Times mengutip James Bynum yang merupakan salah seorang pemuka gereja.

Namun, banyak warga Kristen menepis pandangan Camping. Sebagian bahkan menggambarkan dia sebagai ''nabi palsu''.

Sebagian kalangan atheis berpesta untuk merayakan melesetnya ramalan kiamat. Sedangkan, sekelompok orang yang tidak percaya berkumpul di luar markas Family Radio International milik Harold Camping di kawasan Oakland, California, ketika tenggat waktu ramalan berlalu.

''Ini mungkin salah satu hal sedih yang saya pernah baca, kabar bahwa ada anak-anak di luar sana yang orang tuanya menghabiskan dana tabungan kuliah dan menjual rumah mereka,'' kata seorang wanita kepada BBC.

Camping mengatakan dia tahu tanpa secuil keraguan pun bahwa hari kiamat akan tiba. Dia menyatakan tidak ada rencangan cadangan.

Dia sudah pernah meramalkan kiamat pada tahun 1994. Para pengikutnya belakangan menyatakan ramalan itu hanya mengacu tahap antara.

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The end: members of the Family radio group are sure the end of the world is coming on May 21. They point to complex numerical codes to demonstrate the accuracy of their predictions

The end: members of the Family radio group are sure the end of the world is coming on May 21. They point to complex numerical codes to demonstrate the accuracy of their predictions

Message: Ambassador Sheila Jonas (right) stands in front of her caravan emblazoned with the end of the world message

Message: Ambassador Sheila Jonas (right) stands in front of her caravan emblazoned with the end of the world message

Visits: A look at where the dooms day caravan tour has been so far. The group now have three separate caravans of around 15 vehicles touring the country

Visits: A look at where the dooms day caravan tour has been so far. The group now have three separate caravans of around 15 vehicles touring the country

Collection: The family radio faithful pose in front of their convoy of caravans.

Collection: The family radio faithful pose in front of their convoy of caravans.

Abroad church: Filipino-American Joel Abalos, 48, spreads the word of Family Radio on the streets of Manila

Abroad church: Filipino-American Joel Abalos, 48, spreads the word of Family Radio on the streets of Manila

Doomed: The Haddad family (L-R Abby Haddad Carson, Joseph Carson-Haddad, Robert Carson, Faith and Grace Haddad and dog Hunter) are expecting the world to end on Saturday, but say their children won't go to heaven

Doomed: The Haddad family (L-R Abby Haddad Carson, Joseph Carson-Haddad, Robert Carson, Faith and Grace Haddad and dog Hunter) are expecting the world to end on Saturday, but say their children won't go to heaven

The End: Christian followers of Camping have taken to the streets to spread God's word about the impending end of days

The End: Christian followers of Camping have taken to the streets to spread God's word about the impending end of days

Workings: Camping is basing his prediction on decades of studying the Bible and his belief that the Noah's Ark flood happened in the year 4990 BC

Workings: Camping is basing his prediction on decades of studying the Bible and his belief that the Noah's Ark flood happened in the year 4990 BC

Not keeping it under his hat: This new Yorker hands out leaflets warning of the coming apocalypse The second coming: It is said Jesus will return to earth during the End of Days and New Yorker Julie Baker clearly believes so

Not keeping it under his hat: This New Yorker hands out leaflets warning of the coming apocalypse while, right, Julie Baker advertises her beliefs on a T-shirt in the same city

Underground movement: A commuter on the New York subway stop at Times Square reads an advertisement for the apocalypse by Family Radio

Underground movement: A commuter on the New York subway stop at Times Square reads an advertisement for the apocalypse by Family Radio

Ramalan Kiamatnya Meleset, Harold Camping Ngumpet
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