Rare: Liu Jiangli was born with a coating of coarse black fur on her face and across more than 60 per cent of her body
Shocking: Because of her rare condition - which effects just one in a billion people - Liu was abandoned by both of her parents
Sitting with her is her cousin's grandfather - the man who has been taking care of her as his own since she was abandoned by her parents only two months old
The specialists gather around to examine her condition which currently has no official explanation, hoping to help her
Even lying on a hospital bed the six-year-old schoolgirl cannot stop smiling as she looks forward to her treatment
Normal life: Little Liu Jiangli plays with another girl in the Shanghai hospital while she waits to see a group of specialists who hope to help her with her condition
Liu Jiang, intip si BOCAH BERAMBUT seluruh TUBUH menjalani OPERASI nya ...
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