A coin in the hand: Archaeologists believe the hoard, found by two metal detectors, is worth about £10million
Reg Mead dan Richard Miles telah menghabiskan 30 tahun untuk berburu harta karun di Jersey, Inggris, setelah mereka mendengar keberadaan koin perak di sana.
Pada kenyataannya, mereka malah menemukan koin emas sebanyak 30.000-50.000 koin. Sejumlah koin ini diperkirakan berasal dari abad pertama dan terkubur selama dua ribu tahun.
Koin emas dan perak Roma dan Celtic ini memiliki berat tiga perempat ton. Para ahli memprediksi, koin-koin ini berasal dari suku Coriocolitae.
“Tiap koin ini bernilai GBP100-200 (Rp1,5 juta hingga Rp3 juta). Temuan ini jelas sangat menarik,” kata Dr Philip de Jersey dari Oxford University seperti dikutip DailyMail.
Di sisi lain, Menteri Lingkungan Inggris Rob Duhamel mengaku akan melindungi situs bersejarah ini.
“Karena ada spekulasi lebih banyak koin, kami akan melindungi situs ini,” tegasnya. [ikh]
Determined Reg Mead and Richard Miles spent decades searching a field in Jersey after hearing rumours that a farmer had discovered silver coins while working on his land
Richard Miles and Reg Mead first stumbled across a find of 60 silver and one gold coin - believed to be part of the same haul - back in February this year
The team prepares to lift the haul out of the ground, a side view demonstrating how big the bundle of coins is
Getting the hoard out: Metal detector Reg Mead (centre, back, blue polo shirt) watches as archaeologists unearth the Celtic coin hoard
Neil Mahrer from Jersey Heritage examines part of Europe's largest hoard of Iron Age coins which have been unearthed in Jersey and could be worth up to £10m
Mr Mahrer, a conservator at the Jersey Heritage Museum, carefully examines the huge haul
Fine toothcomb: Experts predict they are of Armorican origin - modern day Brittany and Normandy - from a tribe called the Coriosolitae who were based in the modern-day area of St Malo and Dinan

sumber :http://teknologi.inilah.com/read/detail/1876556/wow-warga-temukan-harta-karun-di-inggris
Wow, Warga Temukan Harta Karun di Inggris
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