Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

Ahli Temukan Darah Tertua di Bumi

Para ahli berhasil menemukan sampel darah manusia tertua yang pernah ditemukan di Bumi. Sampel ini ditemukan pada tubuh mumi seorang pria berusia 5.000 tahun. Ingin tahu?
Penemuan ini berhasil memberi secercah cahaya pada kehidupan manusia es Oetzi. Manusia es ini ditemukan membeku pada 22 tahun lalu oleh para ilmuwan. Serangkaian tes dilakukan, dan sejarah yang terjadi padanya pun terkuak.
Oetzi diketahui mengalami kematian brutal saat melakukan perjalanan di gunung setinggi 2.743 meter. Kini jejak darah mumi ini ditemukan tim ahli dari Italia dan Jerman. Profesor Albert Zink dari European Academy pun menyelidikinya.
“Kami menemukan gambar sel darah merah dengan ‘bentuk donat’ klasik serupa yang ditemui pada manusia modern,” katanya.
Manusia es ini diketahui memiliki tinggi badan 159 cm dengan usia 46 tahun seperti dikutip DM.

Still giving up secrets: A file photo taken in 2011 shows the mummy of Oetzi, discovered on 1991 in the Italian Schnal Valley glacier. Scientists have detected blood samples from wounds on the body
Still giving up secrets: A file photo taken in 2011 shows the mummy of Oetzi, discovered on 1991 in the Italian Schnal Valley glacier. Scientists have detected blood samples from wounds on the body
Remarkably good shape: Despite being around 5,300 years old, Oetzi's level of preservation astounded scientists when he arrived at the Archeology Museum in Bolzano, Italy
Remarkably good shape: Despite being around 5,300 years old, Oetzi's level of preservation astounded scientists when he arrived at the Archeology Museum in Bolzano, Italy

A reconstruction of
The Stone Age remains of a man, or Oetzi as he has become known
Change of appearance: Scientists used various techniques to create a likeness of Oetzi, saying that he probably came from a region that is now Corsica or Sardinia
Breathtaking discovery: Oetzi's body emerging from the glacier where he was found 22 years ago. Since then he has been the subject of various experiments - and even a curse conspiracy
Breathtaking discovery: Oetzi's body emerging from the glacier where he was found 22 years ago. Since then he has been the subject of various experiments - and even a curse conspiracy

sumber :http://teknologi.inilah.com/read/detail/1857696/ahli-temukan-darah-tertua-di-bumi

Ahli Temukan Darah Tertua di Bumi
diterbitkan oleh : http://www.kaskuser.tk


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